Raising Standards: The Importance of Safe Permanent Makeup

As we see Permanent Makeup becoming more and more popular each year, unfortunately, we also see the rise in poor training standards, artists not being educated correctly and the need for removal rising.

An industry that is largely unregulated, the potential risks for both clients and artists are increasing. Not only in the application of the permanent makeup, but largely in health & safety.

At The PMU Circle, we are passionate about raising standards in the industry and making it a safer place for everyone involved. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of safe permanent makeup, common safety concerns, and how you can ensure that you are choosing a qualified and safe permanent makeup artist.

Why Safe Permanent Makeup is Important

The importance of safe permanent makeup cannot be overstated. Unsafe practices can lead to a range of negative side effects and complications, including infection, allergic reactions, and scarring. In some cases, clients have even experienced serious health issues such as sepsis from unsafe practices.

Choosing a safe permanent makeup artist ensures that you are receiving a high-quality and safe procedure that is less likely to result in negative side effects or complications. Safe permanent makeup also contributes to overall health and wellness by reducing the risk of infection, allergic reactions, and scarring.

Whilst it is important to research your artist to ensure you are happy with their style of work and healed results, safe practices is often something not considered during this research, yet the most important.

Common Safety Concerns

There are several safety concerns that clients should be aware of when choosing a permanent makeup artist. These include:

  • Not using safe sterile equipment
  • Buying needles or pigments from unauthorised distributors
  • Not sterilising or effectively covering reusable equipment
  • Reusing needles or tools on multiple clients
  • Touching objects with contaminated gloves on

These safety concerns can lead to serious health risks for clients, which is why it is essential to choose a safe permanent makeup artist.

What to look for:

  • Ensure the artist has a suitable treatment area and is not offering this service mobile
  • There is hard surface flooring
  • There is a sink for hand washing
  • Waste is correctly disposed of in a contaminated waste bag
  • You generally will be patch tested 48 hours prior to your appointment
  • The treatment couch and trolley are covered with a non-porous material
  • The machine should be fully covered or sterilised after each use
  • Blading tools can be disposable – check a new, sealed one is opened infront of you
  • Needles should be individually packaged, sterile and within date. The artist should open this when you are there and not before
  • Pigments should come from authorised distributors and not past their use by date. These should be dispensed into a disposable pot
  • Equipment like tweezers and scissors should not be used on open skin unless sterilised after each treatment
  • Autoclaving is the only reliable method for sterilisation where blood-borne pathogens are concerned
  • Any items left on the working trolley/tray during treatment should be disposed of at the end of the treatment
  • Pencils and drawing tools should be sharpened and not used on broken skin unless discarded of after the treatment
  • Your artist should wear gloves at all times during the tattooing and remove these before touching anything that is not being discarded after treatment
  • Your artist should wash their hands prior to the treatment and once the treatment is complete
  • You should be given full aftercare instructions and products to care for the tattoo during healing
  • Your artist should carry out a full consultation with you and check your medical history

How to Ensure that You are Choosing a Safe Permanent Makeup Artist or Trainer

At The PMU Circle, we take safety seriously, and that\’s exactly why we have developed our directory. We check each individual artist\’s or trainer\’s certificates and work to ensure that they are qualified and safe. They take a test to demonstrate their health & safety knowledge. Trainers submit their training material and scheme of works to ensure all important factors are included in the course.

However, there are steps that clients or trainee\’s can take to ensure that they are choosing a safe permanent makeup artist or trainer:

  • Research the artist\’s/trainer\’s credentials
  • Read reviews from previous clients/students
  • Ask questions about their safety practices
  • Look for certifications or licenses
  • Look at their work
  • Visit their premises
  • Check out our blog on choosing a trainer for more on courses

It is also highly recommended artists complete a blood-borne pathogen course and ensure they stay up to date with legislation. Never feel uneasy about asking your potential artist or trainer for things like this.

The Role of Permanent Makeup Artists in Promoting Safety

Permanent makeup artists play a crucial role in promoting safe practices in the industry. By following proper safety protocols, continuously educating themselves on industry standards, and being transparent with their clients about their safety practices, they can help ensure that clients are receiving safe and high-quality procedures. Our PMU Circle Pro members and listed artists invest in themselves to ensure they stay up to date with both their knowledge and skill set.

Our Long-Term Goal at The PMU Circle

Our long-term goal here is to continue to grow the directory and promote safe permanent makeup practices to clients and artists alike. Through The PMU Circle Pro we will continue to support and educate artists.

We hope to see the permanent makeup industry become more regulated and safe for everyone involved.

In Conclusion

Safe permanent makeup is essential for both clients and artists. By choosing a qualified and safe permanent makeup artist, clients can ensure that they are receiving a high-quality and safe procedure. We are committed to promoting safe permanent makeup practices and raising standards in the industry. If you are looking for a safe permanent makeup artist visit our directory for approved artists.